Undyed, unspoilt, for a more natural colour. Yarn in the colours sheep intended.
At The Raw Wool Company, we give you the whole story. Single-origin fibre from their sheep and that of other young farmers close by in Cornwall. From field to skein, everything is handled with care and quality.
Rare breed Wensleydale sheep are celebrated for their soft lustre longwool & naturally rustic colours and are the core fibre of The Raw Wool Company yarns. In 2010 Juli & her son Anton set out rearing and raising a flock of Wensleydales to produce beautiful, natural coloured fibre.
This yarn is truly something special, uniquely British and made with the utmost love and care. Perfect for traditional Gansey style jumpers, hats and mitts to keep the wind out and lustrous shawls to wrap up in for coastal walk - we dream of the seaside when we knit with this.
Shades are created by blending different fibres together and using the natural colour of the sheep. Each of the shades is a slightly different fibre blend and can be used interchangeably with one another in a project.
A Cup Full of Pewter: 100% British Wensleydale Longwool Yarn
Mevagissey Mizzle: 10% British Bluefaced Leicester, 60% British Romney lambs wool, 30% British Wensleydale long lambs wool
On a Dark & Stormy Night: 100% British Wensleydale Longwool Yarn
Sheperds Silver: 100% British Wensleydale Longwool Yarn
Soft as Sea Mist: 100% British Dorset
Made in Cornwall, UK.
Technical Information:
Fibre: 100% British Wool
Weight: 4ply / fingering weight
Skein Weight: 100g
Length: 350m / 382yds
Care Instructions: Hand wash cold, lay flat to dry