Undyed, unspoilt, for a more natural colour. Yarn in the colours sheep intended.
At The Raw Wool Company, we give you the whole story. Single-origin fibre from their sheep and that of other young farmers close by in Cornwall. From field to skein, everything is handled with care and quality.
100% British Wensleydale Longwool Yarn
This mini set features are three mini skeins of our hero natural colours: Shepherds Sliver, Cup Of Pewter and On A Dark & Stormy Night
Rare breed Wensleydale sheep are celebrated for their soft lustre longwool & naturally rustic colours. In 2010 Juli & her son Anton set out rearing and raising a flock of Wensleydales to produce beautiful, natural coloured fibre. A soft but durable yarn in colours the sheep intended.
Made in Cornwall, UK.
Technical Information:
Fibre: 100% British Wool
Weight: 4ply / fingering weight OR DK/ double knit
Skein Weight: 20g x 3
Care Instructions: Hand wash cold, lay flat to dry