A Partridge in a Pear Tree: Crochet the 12 Birds of Christmas is a special festive edition collection of 12 bird crochet patterns written and designed by Kerry Lord from TOFT.
Get in the mood for Christmas as you crochet your way through this colourful collection of birds, including a Partridge, Hen and a Blackbird. Read all about the Christmas preparations of these kooky characters, their adorations and aversions, daydreams and delusions, and then crochet them for everyone you know to go under the tree.
The patterns use basic stitches, and include step-by-step illustrations for beginners, so there’s no excuse to chicken out on learning a new hobby this Winter.
These loveable birds are quick to make, using a super soft yarn in a sophisticated colour palette, and will become your best friends as their larger-than-life personalities and easy-to-use techniques get their claws into you.
This book includes patterns for:
Twelve Drummers Drumming: John the Spotted Woodpecker
Eleven Pipers Piping: Nina the Sandpiper
Ten Lords A-Leaping: Agnes the Heron
Nine Ladies Dancing: Lois the Cormorant
Eight Maids a-Milking: Delilah the Egret
Seven Swans a-Swimming: Margot the Swan
Six Geese a-Laying: Lydia the Greylag Goose
Five Gold Rings: Gilbert the Pheasant
Four Calling Birds: Peter the Blackbird
Three French Hens: Ruth the Hen
Two Turtle Doves: Beatrice the Turtle Dove
And a Partridge: Felix the Partridge