This book is the third in the series of Marianne Isager reflecting on her Knitting Life and focuses on the inspiration gained from her time in Japan.
Marianne writes in the forward:
“For my Confirmation my Uncle Niels gifted me two beautiful Japanese wood cuts. This present awoke my interest in Japanese art and later, when Japanese fashion designers entered the Western fashion world, my curiosity for this fascinating country grew. In 2001 I met my husband, Nels, who at that time lived and worked in Tokyo; this was the beginning of 15 years of commuting between Japan and Denmark but also the beginning of many enriching experiences.
My knitting is always inspired by the things going on around me, experiences from daily life and from travels. My long stays in Japan became an important source of inspiration. This book is about my life in Japan and what inspired me on this journey."
The book contains 16 patterns, including cardigan, sweaters and summer tops.
Pre-order this gorgeous book now and be sure to get a copy when our next delivery arrives.
We stock a wide range of Isager yarns which you can view here.