Strange Times - Our Covid-19 Plans
These are strange and unprecedented times, that’s for sure. But what can we do about it? It is often when communities are under strain that we come together, and this has never been truer than now. Support, care and concern for the older generation is foremost in our minds, as is consideration for others who may not be coping so well at this time.
We believe in craft as not only a hobby, but a way of bringing people together, it is also an invaluable tool for mental wellbeing.
This is why we are offering free shipping to our customers in the UK, but in return we are also inviting you to 'donate the shipping*'. Why are we doing this? It’s important to give back in the tough times even more than in the good.
A friend from college once said to me that when he was particularly annoyed with his roommates, instead of getting angry, he would take that energy and do something good with it that would benefit everybody, so he would go and clean the flat or take the garbage out. It is a sentiment I have since tried to implement, trying to remember that when I’m super-stressed, I won’t be the only one.
We want to provide a bit of respite to our customers for as long as possible, and so our shop will remain open for as long as we are allowed and, of course, we will still be open online. We can also do in-store pick-ups or ‘drive-by’ pickups if you would prefer.
And let’s not forget about our other small-business friends in our local communities. Restaurants, bars, salons and hotels will all be hit extremely hard by things. Show them love if you can – gift cards are a really great thing at the moment.
Our weekly newsletter and social media will continue to be filled with inspiration and pattern/yarn pairings and we are going to trial some online virtual-shopping and knit nights. If nothing else, all of this is forcing us to be extra creative in our thinking! We will also be selling fun Friendship Bracelet Kits online and donating 1% of the proceeds to charity.
We invite our customers to keep in touch, and to share projects and thoughts via our social media channels, because it is now more important than ever to stay connected.
*Proceeds will go to Age UK