Year 1

Today is A Yarn Story's 1st birthday!

I really can't believe that it has been 12 months since I first opened the shop doors. It's been a crazy ride and I've spent the last week reflecting on the journey.

A Yarn Story started in a tiny 110 square foot unit amongst a cafe, farm shop and several other boutique shops in The Shed. In and amongst the other lovely shops and shop owners both I and the shop grew quickly. It was a great place to start but soon it was time to move on as the shelves overflowed. After an extensive search I found the perfect location on Walcot Street in the heart of Bath's artisan quarter. So after just 6 months, A Yarn Story moved to larger premises. The new space has allowed me to greatly expand the range of yarns carried as well as offer an array of classes.

               Where it all started, getting the first shop ready.

               Lots and lots of yarn to get on the shelves after the move to Walcot Street.

While moving the shop so quickly after opening was a milestone event this past year, several other exciting things also happened. I've made great new friends and been to some exciting places. I visited the H+H trade show in Cologne for the first time last March and picked up several new items for the shop. We took the shop on the road to Proper Woolly in Devon and the Yarn in the City Pop-Up Market Place. Kate Athereley and Rachel Coopey have come to teach and I've launched some exclusive products such as the "I Wish I Was an Octopus" range as well as collaborated on exclusive colourways with Hedgehog Fibres and Life in the Long Grass. I've packed a lot in.


In between the stocking of shelves, spreadsheets, painting, moving and helping customers, I squeezed in some knitting time. I haven't done as much knitting in the past year as I would have liked but I did managed to complete a few projects big and small. Below is a small selection, the Super Easy Baby Blanket, Ice Cream Sundae, Split Personality, Puck and Garter Goodness.

I'm really excited to see what this next year will bring, we've got a lot lined up already including a workshop with Stephen West in December, our first Knit-A-Long and the release of our first in-house patterns. Before any of that though, there will be a party, so please join me on November 14th for the A Yarn Story 1st Anniversary party.

Thank you all so much for your support this past year, you are all truly awesome!



Comment 1

Mindy Nienaber on

Beautiful I just started knitting~!!

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